August 3, 2018: Collaborative Conversation Between Dorchester County Staff and Faith Communties
October 1, 2018: Developing Strategies for New Revived United Methodist Church
Twenty-four individuals – including Dorchester County and Maryland DNR government employees, members of New Revived United Methodist Church and the Church Creek-Cambridge Charge, and members of the project team – met to discuss options to address marsh encroachment and flooding at New Revived United Methodist Church. Nathan Collier (graduate student in landscape architecture) presented some landscape-level mitigation strategies. Liz Van Dolah and Christy Miller Hesed presented some options for making the church structures more flood-proof, safe-guarding cemetery heritage by creating a digital map and database of grave information, and pursuing funding for mitigation projects. Government employees engaged with church members in discussing these options and volunteered to follow up with some funding organizations. The trustees and members of New Revived will decide how they would like to move forward. County employees at the meeting indicated a desire to continue to be engaged with the church and to offer support and assistance as they are able.
Next Steps?